Bon jour! Welcome to Cherbourg.
Cherbourg is located in Normandy, which is a province of France. Ever since the reign of Louis XIV, Cherbourg has been an important port town to all of Europe. Located on the northern shore of the Cotention Peninsula of Normandy, Cherbourg is a French seaport and naval base on the English Channel. It is the largest city of the Manche department. Cherbourg's location on a wide embayment, greatly improved by a protecting jetty completed in 1853, affords a splendid harbor. It is the chief French Channel stop for transatlantic passenger liners, and many international maritimes lines maintain offices in Cherbourg. Cherbourg is also a popular seaside resort.
The city is dominated by Mount Roule, which is the site of a fortress. From the terrace at Mount Roule, one can view a magnificent panorama of the area, which includes the Naval and arsenal, as well as the lush Emmanuel Liasis park, which houses an impressive display of subtropical vegetation.
Please feel free to browse through these other various sites of interest as you enjoy your stay in Cherbourg.
TitanicRoleplay--THE ORIGINAL TITANIC ROLEPLAY ON THE 'NET!!!!!! An excellent place to go if you would like to interact with more of the people aboard the Ship of Dreams. You can find out more about this list by clicking on the link and going to the TRPG homepage.
3D CAD Titanic--Mr. David Clarke, a 3D artist, has brought the Titanic into the computer age with his marvelous CD CAD renderings of the ship. He's been very kind to donate a rendering of the glass dome overlooking the first class Grand Staircase, and for that, the Virtual Titanic Shipbuilders' Guild thanks him. Please visit this site if you want to see more of his fine work!
Encyclopedia Titanica--this is an excellent Titanic resource. This site served as an important informational tool in the creation of the Virtual Titanic.
Cyberflix--the official site to go to if you would like to find more information about the game "Titanic: Adventure out of Time," as well as the CGI recreations of the Titanic that these wonderful people have created specifically for the game.
Titanic: The Night Lives On--wonderful pictures on this site.
Nic Wilson's TITANIC OLYMPIC & BRITANNIC Home Page--a good information site based on the Titanic and her two sister ships.
Titanic Picture Gallery--nice pictures of the Titanic on this page!
Thomas Andrews - Builder of the Ship of Dreams--an excellent site to look at if you desire to learn more about the head of Harland and Wolff's design department.
The White Star Liners OLYMPIC and TITANIC--VERY NICE place to visit if you wish to look at some articles from a period magazine called "Engineering" about the Titanic's design features.
R.M.S. Titanic Reading Room: Online Reading--a good place to start from if you would like to learn more about the Titanic.
Titanic - A Southampton Story--this site is based on the place where Titanic started off her maiden voyage (Southampton, in Britain).
dub Media--the site that has provided some excellent CGI graphics of the Titanic.
CARLISLE'S TITANIC HOME PAGE--a nice page that was done by the grandson of one of the designers of the Titanic.
The Official Copal Website--an excellent site to go to if you wish to find pictures from James Cameron's wonderful movie.
The Mariners' Museum - Newport News, Virginia--a good amount of information on this site.
RMS Titanic--a very well built site that deals with many different aspects of the Titanic's history.